Shorty's Auto Parts Williamstown NJ Reviewsīusiness & Professional Services in Florida: The nearest college is West Shore Community College at a distance of 6.3 miles from Ludington center.Suggest a Business Map View Featured Casinos Casinos In Michigan AdGold City Casino Online Located in Michigan with a population of 8,076, the closest colleges are ranked by distance from Ludington.
Colleges and universities near me in the Ludington, Michigan area There are 43 colleges within 100 miles of Ludington. You can also book early if you wish to secure a room during Ludington, Michigan’s busiest season in. You’ll get to enjoy the warm weather, less tourists, and more budget-friendly hotel rates. The best time to visit Ludington, Michigan is in the beginning of summer, from the last week of May to the first week of June. Also suggest downtown Jamesport, and great local brew-pub with some outstanding food and Ice Cream couldn't be better at the downtown House of Flavors. Check out downtown Ludington, and the city beach as well as the beaches along M-116 out to the Ludington State Park.